AL-EZ Trading, Transport & Contracting Company, MINA AL FAHAL, , Sultanate of Oman
AL-EZ Trading, Transport & Contracting Company
Seller ID: SA1986477362
Registration Date: 29-10-2017 17:08:41
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Trading
Established Year: 1977
Total Staff: 501-1,000
Category: Trading Company
Sub Category: Transport Services

AL-EZ Trading, Transport & Contracting Company

AL-EZ Co, was commercially registered in June of 1977, in Salalah, The Sultanate of Oman. The company is owned by the honorable Sheikh Mohammed Suhail Masan, of Omani Nationality. Operating from three fixed premises in Salalah, Thumrait and Muscat as well as several strategically located satellite offices we cover the entire Sultanate of Oman and the surrounding GCC. AL-EZ Co, has established a reputation for excellence by consistently delivering to some of the largest multi national organizations operating within the; Oil & Gas exploration industry, civil construction and transportation / logistical Industries. AL-EZ Co, values long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with its partners who benefit from the experience and technical expertise gained over thirty five years of operation in some of the most logistically and technically challenging contracts ever undertaken in the GCC.

   AL-EZ Trading, Transport & Contracting Company

   PO Box 352, Postal Code 116, MINA AL FAHAL, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24594249



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